Because Only Together We Can

With all species, for all species. Saving the planet with ecological Solutions. Join us.

Who We Are

Partnering to build a world where all species live and work together in harmony.

We are redwoods. We are box elders. We are bogs and grasslands. We are species and whole ecosystems that turn CO2 from the atmosphere into wood and oxygen. All we needs is a little patch of land, some water underground, and a bunch of sunlight. We are the most efficient and natural CCS machines known to man.

We don’t need to build technological machines to remove carbon from the atmosphere and save the planet for our children and grandchildren. The “technology” is all around us. It has sustained us for centuries and created what we now know as life, and biological diversity. Invest in us and we will continue to take care of you.

What We Do


— We Find & Fund

We plant trees and educate about regenerative farming and grassland restoration.


— We Build Networks

We provide a platform for funding programs that protect the environment and return it back to nature.


— We Strengthen

We build communities that work together to fund and implement ecological solutions to human problems.


— We Educate

We are your source for climate news, climate solutions, and climate implementations.


— We Provide Hope

Eco365 is ALL about solutions. We provide news as well, but mostly we provide hope by proposing solutions.


— We Consult

We provide concise information and research to decision makers and stakeholders. We also consult voters on who are serious about climate solutions.

Impact Stories

We agree that we need to plant 1T trees

Trees, trees and more trees. Stop cutting down the Amazon. Provide resources to indigenous people and alternatives to cutting and burning. 

A Brighter Future — For Earth's Children

We need to all act now. We need money to fund projects that actually work. We need to capture carbon and put it away forever.
